Please relax and have fun.
Our rules are for the safety and comfort of our guests. We hope you enjoy your visit and return often!
Alcohol: Always exercise MODERATION and discretion when consuming alcoholic beverages.
Behavior: We promote family-oriented conduct, which should be WHOLESOME AND NON-SEXUAL. Sexually suggestive language, dress, or displays of affection are never appropriate. We are a clothing optional, not a sex comunnity. Behavior (verbal or physical) or activity that disrupts the harmony and tranquility, such as overt sexual behavior or the appearance of overt sexual behavior, is unacceptable. Violations of privacy, intoxication, immoral public conduct or any unruly disturbances will not be tolerated.
Cameras: NO CAMERAS IN PUBLIC AREAS without staff approval or supervision. NEVER PHOTOGRAPH ANYONE WITHOUT PERMISSION. Check with the office for photography guidelines before taking your camera out. When finished, put your camera away promptly. Video photography is not permitted without staff supervision.
Children: Parents are responsible for their CONDUCT and SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult, particularly by the lake, playground, pool, hot tub sun bathing area and club house. ADULTS SHOULD NEVER APPROACH OR PLAY WITH UNFAMILIAR CHILDREN.
Dress: Clothing optional is welcome at all times. When you do dress, regular street clothes and wraps are appropriate. NO LINGERIE, UNDERWEAR or SUGGESTIVE ATTIRE.
Pets: Pets are only permitted in specified rental units. Pet owner agrees to the pet policies, to be responsible for any damage or injury caused by the pet, and to absolve the staff of any liability if the pet or another guest is injured. Noisy pets are not welcome. Pets must be leashed whenever they leave the room, or RV. Always clean up after your pet. Pets are not permitted in the pool area or any public buildings. Pets MUST be caged or crated when left alone in the room. Pets must be washed and on flea medication prior to arrival. Do not use the room linens or towels to bathe pets. Owners should bring pet bedding and dishes do not allow pets to sit directly on the beds or furniture. One 50 LBS Maximum or 2 - 20 LBS maximum. Limited pet-friendly rental unit accommodations available for a surcharge of $10/day, $40/week or $95/month. All Dogs in RV sites and Rentals units Maximum of one 50 LBS or two 20 LBS dogs. No Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, or mixed breeds of either. Cats are not allowed in rental units. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.
Pool Area: Clothing optional, however, you must be nude only while in the pool or conversational tub (NO SWIMSUITS). NO GLASS ON THE POOL DECK, PATIO OR CONVERSATIONAL TUB.
Pool Etiquette: NO SWIMSUITS, shirts, or any other cover are allowed in the POOLS or CONVERSATIONAL TUB. Only infants & toddlers are exempt, who may require sun protection or swim diapers. Required to take a SHOWER before entering the pool or conversational tub.
Towels: Carry a towel with you at all times and MUST ALWAYS SIT OR LAY ON YOUR TOWEL for sanitary reasons.
Wildlife: Florida has a wide variety of plants and animals, some of which may be dangerous. Never ingest the berries or fruit of an unknown plant. Use caution feeding squirrels or other wild animals they may bite. Please DO NOT FEED THE ALLIGATORS it is illegal and dangerous.